Our Values = Modules
Centralizing Jesus
Jesus’ life mission –from incarnation, Spirit-directedness, humility-unto-death, to resurrection –forms a model from which to understand what it means to be spiritually, developmentally, missionally and relationally formed with Christ as center. In order of priority, our Christology forms the basis for constructing, learning, and practicing a legitimate, passionate spirituality.
Passionate Spirituality
The Spirit forms and empowers people to carry out their unique gifting and calling. When learners embrace the New Testament vision of Jesus’ Spirit-annointed ministry as the basis for their ministry, they will begin to engender a passionate spirituality that is infectious to others around them.
A missional imagination is developed when learners' exegete culture so they can formulate creative strategies to engage the grime and suffering of real life. A (growing) post-Christian culture is reason enough for emerging leaders to think outside the “four-walls” of “Church” so they can contextualize the message and mission of Jesus to reach this culture.
Organic Community
Our culture needs authentic and intimate communities where people are developed as believers and mobilized for the purpose of reconciling others to God. The “church” exists as the “company of the redeemed” and is like an organism that is viral, growing, and enlivened by the Spirit. The “church” possesses no aspect of reality, authority, or hermeneutic privilege apart from that imparted to the callings and giftings of the individual believers.
Mentoring relationships and group-based experiences will maximize learning potential so that learners know how to best develop, mentor, and release others into their individualized callings and giftings. These relational components influence and shape our character, thinking, and spiritual growth, causing us to replicate our own development in those we lead.